A community of teachers, staff, administrators, public officials and parents remains at odds over a daunting — and mounting — set of problems at the aging brick school that dates to 1929.
Test results for lead and asbestos at the Tisbury School were released to the public this week. The testing found elevated levels of chipping, lead-based paint in classrooms and bathrooms.
In the latest twist for the Tisbury School students, superintendent Matthew D’Andrea announced in a letter to parents Monday afternoon that kindergarten through fourth graders will no longer be relocated to Camp Jabberwocky.
Students at the Tisbury School will be relocated indefinitely and the start of school will be delayed, following confirmation that chipping lead paint inside the aging building poses a potential health hazard.
At their joint meeting Monday evening, the Tisbury School committee and selectmen approved funding for three co-sponsored warrant articles for repairs and design work for a renovation/addition to the school.