Work was started yesterday on the new Vineyard Haven school building. T. L. Cottrell of Erie, Pa., is in charge of the work, which is under contract by the A. M. Lonburg Construction Co. of St. Louis. Mr. Cottrell has just come from Newburyport where he was in charge of work n a new post office and also a Masonic temple.
The town of Tisbury will hold a special town meeting on Tuesday, April 2, to hear reports of the committees appointed to investigate and recommend fire apparatus to be purchased by the town, the location for a fire house or other plans for housing such apparatus, and to act on a recommendation of the schoolhouse building committee that an additional sum of $35,000 be raised and appropriated to the present plans and specifications.
Plans for the new Tisbury school have been approved by the building committee and the specifications are now being prepared. It is the hope of the committee that both will ne available to bidders within ten days or two weeks. The plans call for the most modern type of building, in construction, arrangement and style of architectural design, with fireproof boiler and fire rooms, corridors and stairs, and all other parts fire resisting. The outside will be of brick and tile wainscot will figure prominently inside.
Around the Island, an expected 2,155 students are dusting off backpacks, sharpening pencils and choosing first-day outfits. The first day of school is Tuesday.