On Friday, at their first assembly as a unified student body since the spring of 2019, nearly 300 Tisbury School students cheered and clapped when their school mascot took the floor.
On Jan. 6, the Tisbury school’s upper-grade classes will return to their home campus, after peeling lead paint was found in classrooms late last summer.
The Tisbury selectmen, school committee and school building committee chose Boston-based Tappé Architects to remodel and modernize the town elementary school.
When they gather for a special town meeting on Oct. 15, Tisbury voters will be asked to release $1.95 million from the general stabilization fund for immediate use at the Tisbury School.
At a special town meeting next month, Tisbury voters will be asked to approve emergency funding for temporary classrooms and other unforeseen expenses.
Town and school leaders took constructive steps this week to address the problems at the Tisbury School, authorizing the use of emergency funds to cover immediate needs.
Tisbury students had their belated first day of school Monday, with students in grades five through eight going to the regional high school and K through fourth staying in the newer wing of the town school.
Tisbury School teachers and administrators are preparing for the first day of school in unfamiliar territory, as town leaders work on a plan repair or rebuild the ailing school facility.