Oak Bluffs
Vineyard Gazette
The plank walk along the edge of the Bluff has been extended 2600 feet from the wharf. About 250 yards south of the wharf the restaurant and pagoda or pavilion is to be built. Workmen are now engaged in excavating a place for the lower story. The pagoda will be large, octagonal in form, with glass sides, arranged so as to be raised or lowered. In the pagoda, through which the plank walk will run, will be seats and tables where the visitors may eat ice cream, and articles of light diet, or have a substantial meal. 200 yards further south, a bath arbor will be erected 33 by 22 feet.
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Improvements at Oak Bluffs
Vineyard Gazette
We learn, from undoubted authority, that contracts have been made this week by E. P. Carpenter, president of the Oak Bluffs Land & Wharf Co., for a Chapel and first class cottages to the amount of over forty thousand dollars.
Mr. Butts, the well-known paver of New Bedford, is engaged in paving a dry walk from Oak Bluffs wharf to Cleavland & Bradley’s store.
Messrs. White Brothers have a contract for concrete walks on the Bluffs, and will commence work on the first of April.
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Union Chapel Plays Big Part in Summer Life on the Vineyard
Vineyard Gazette
To many of the summer residents of Martha’s Vineyard, Union Chapel services have become as much a part of their lives as the Vineyard itself. Each year new visitors attend the chapel and become dependent upon it for their Sunday devotions.
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Union Chapel
Vineyard Gazette
The much-talked-of Dedication of the Chapel at Oak Bluffs came off last Sunday morning. The exercises opened at half past ten o’clock, Rev. Dr. Turner of Hartford, chairman of the dedicatory committee, presiding. An organ voluntary introduced the services, followed by the singing of the Credo, from La Hache’s Mass for Peace, by the Park Church choir. The other exercises then occurred in the following order: Invocation and reading of the Scriptures, by Rev. J. J. Roberts, D. D., of New York; hymn by the congregation; introductory address by Rev. Dr.
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Julian Armand Cook Speaks at Union Chapel

Rev. Julian Armand Cook will be Union Chapel’s guest preacher on Sunday, August 27.

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From Harlem to the Vineyard, Rev. Calvin Butts Preaches the Power of Integrity
Vivian Ewing

On Sunday Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts 3rd spoke at Union Chapel about the meaning of integrity, weaving levity and solemnity into his message.

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Rev. Calvin O. Butts at Union Chapel

August 20 the Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts 3rd will be the guest preacher at Union Chapel.

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Charlottesville Casts Shadow Over Debate
Chloe Reichel

A panel debate Sunday at the Union Chapel over how economic issues play into the social justice movement shifted quickly.

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Union Chapel Speaker

Rev. Dr. John Silvanus Wilson, Jr. will be the guest preacher at Union Chapel on Sunday, July 30.

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Union Chapel Features Reverend Mariama White-Hammond

Taking the pulpit at Union Chapel on Sunday, July 9 will be guest preacher Reverend Mariama White-Hammond from Bethel AME Church in Boston.

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