Spring is almost here! The temperatures have remained in the 40s for most of the week. We enjoyed one day when it was 60 degrees. Lots of blossoms everywhere. Rain to start the week and thick fog on Tuesday.
Spring is now only one week away! No snow in sight. The weather has been warm all week. The daffodils are beginning to bud. Father Thyme, John Alley, reminds us that Daylight Saving time is this weekend.
Spring is just a matter of just weeks away. The temperatures have been in the 40s and 50s for most of the week. No snow, no ice, no wind. The crocuses are blooming. A great relief from our winter of a year ago.
Temperatures dropped to minus 33 degrees with the wind chill factor over the weekend. Lightening on Monday evening. By Tuesday it was up to 53 degrees with torrential rains in the afternoon. Really strange weather pattern. In my more than half a century on the Vineyard, I do not believe I have ever experienced a wind chill like that. Frost heaves are forming along the byways.
So much for the so-called global warming. This past Friday the snow came down rather rapidly and in less than an hour there was a significant amount of snowfall on the ground, making travel difficult. School was dismissed at noon to the delight of youngsters and teachers as well.
Another mild week with temperatures in the 50s most days with chilly nights. Perhaps it is because Aquinnah highway superintendent Jay Smalley purchased a snow blower for the season — a good omen — as he only needed to use it once in January.
The first blizzard of 2016 is over and done with. Weather reports throughout the week were rather misleading, even right up to the day before when it was reported to be perhaps one to three inches. Saturday morning it all began and by early Sunday there was more than a foot of snow in most places across the Vineyard.
Winter is upon us. As I started to write this column early Tuesday morning, the temperature was 24 degrees with a wind chill factor of 8, while the wind is howling outside.
Winter weather continues with temperatures hovering around freezing. Gray skies. Winter travel plans are being scheduled for warmer climes. Christmas trees have been taken down and are now rolling around in the yards awaiting removal. Think spring.