A snowy day but not a snow day. Six more weeks of winter. Climate change on the horizon. Be careful not to slip and fall. Snow was so much more attractive before I learned to drive.
Wow! Nothing like a good, old-fashioned northeaster to shake things up. Did anyone bring a canoe down to Five Corners?
Don’t blink. Don’t stand down. Don’t turn your back. Don’t turn around. Some of my gentle readers have asked why I am so supportive of the Women’s March on Saturday, Jan. 21, in Washington, DC.
That was exciting. The first serious snowfall of the winter and the first delayed school opening.
Here we go again. My only resolution for the upcoming year is to get through the upcoming year. How simple my tastes have become.
To quote one of my very favorite authors, certainly this is the best of times and the worst of times.
Like an early Christmas present, the Patriots did us proud on Monday night. What a game! So long, Ravens. Number 12 on the 12th. Thank you.
If you and the kiddies have missed speaking with Santa on Island this year, plan to be at the Wharf on Sunday for Breakfast with Santa. Proceeds raised will go to Red Stocking.
I am an old-fashioned girl. I write this still in the month of November. My pumpkins and Thanksgiving decorations are still out and up.