Jane N. Slater

Chilmark Town Column: April 19

Chilmark joins the rest of the world in sending good wishes to the injured, condolences to the families and friends of those who were killed and a plea for peace for us all, after the dreadful bombing in Boston.

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Chilmark Town Column: April 12

Chilmark has slipped cheerily into the temperate weather pattern that arrived this week, after the usual blasts of April winds. All of us seem to thrive in this in-between temperature range and the town is showing signs of being out and about and busy at the usual spring errands.

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Chilmark Town Column: April 5

Chilmark has a whole new look with bright daffodils nodding in the wind all over town. What a lift to our winter-numbed spirits the flowers are. There are many other colors nestled in the groundcover in sheltered yards and fat buds on many trees. Welcome, spring!

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Chilmark Town Column: March 29

Chilmark has every reason to be proud of its citizens who volunteer to challenge some of the town’s problems and needs. It isn’t easy to find time in our busy lives of the 21st century to do pro bono work for a town, but some people do it every day.

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Chilmark Town Column: March 22

Chilmark is snow-less under bright sunshine as I write. We know it is still winter in spite of the date . . . beginning of spring. It is still cold! The hearty spring flowers are encouraging us all to think of spring as they continue to come into bud.

The cold weather has made us all put off our outdoor chores for another week, so please note that many indoor activities still offer us diversions.

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Chilmark Town Column: March 15

Chilmark is enjoying the bright sunshine of midweek as I write. The skies are clear and the sounds of the hammers are in the air . . . always my first hint of a milder season to come!

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Chilmark Town Column: March 8

Chilmark, as I write on Wednesday, is prepping for yet another winter storm. It is sincerely hoped by most that this will be the last one! All our lucky neighbors who were away on vacation last week will be happy to share this latest bit of winter with the rest of us!

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Chilmark Town Column: March 1

Chilmark was favored with a mostly clear evening and bright full moon this weekend. It was a treat to see it between storms. As I write midweek it is raining hard and our poor mainland friends and families are getting more snow.

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Chilmark Town Column: Feb. 22

Chilmark survived the winds, rains and snows of the past week with no serious outcomes. Some trees are gone, some birds didn’t make it thru the hard winds and cold temperatures, and some locals headed south for their vacations but, all in all, we made it mostly through another February with no more than the usual wear.

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Chilmark Town Column: Feb. 15

Chilmark is enjoying a rinse as I write on Monday. A most welcome rain is falling and, hopefully, it will free some of the snowbound parts of our current world. The snow was deep in our world with threats in the air of more snow to come but the current rain showers may be helping to reduce the volumes of snow already here.

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