Happy May Day to all! This date used to be a fun holiday in town when folks hung May baskets on each other’s doors in the hopes of surprising them and then getting invited in for food and fun. Maybe someone will hang a May basket on you today.
Our push through February is demanding that we remain in winter mode. There have been cold and icy days this week past and a sunny and warm day that encouraged even the daffodils to make an appearance. I found several of my flowers up at least a quarter of an inch! It was enough to rally my spirits.
Chilmark has suffered some awful weather in July for a summer resort, but the days seem to offer a little of everything, with rain either first or last but always rain! Everyone is still speaking to each other, and the plans for all the fun stuff are still in place. There was even a clear night for fireworks viewing on the Fourth so it wasn’t all bad. The holiday was festive with many visitors in town. We had Caleb, Chris and Celia Slater at our house but no fish were caught. Next time.
Word has reached us of the birth on April 6 of Lucy Tower Churchill in Los Angeles to Elizabeth Day and John Churchill. Her two brothers, Freddy and Bobby, and her grandparents, Bob and Barbara Day, of West Tisbury, welcomed her. Lucy and her family have deep roots in Chilmark where her Blackwell ancestors were the first summer residents at Quitsa. We look forward to her first Vineyard visit in August.
Chilmark has enjoyed a week of lovely fall weather. The folks visiting us now are looking for fish rather than suntans and the mood is generally turning to the enthusiasm of the hunt! Let’s hope that the fish cooperate. We are all looking forward to the beginning of the 64th annual Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby on Sept. 13.
Chilmark welcomes February with more of the same wintry weather it endured throughout January. More snow and ice blew in with no good news from the groundhog. Oh, well, six more weeks will lead us to some relief. Many Chilmarkers have already made their escapes to warmer locations or are planning February getaways.
July is on the ground and running, and I hope we can all keep up! Lots of activities, many of them in Chilmark, are planned both for the upcoming weekend and for the busy month ahead. The large yacht that was moored briefly off the Menemsha beach set the tone for the summer. It was reported to be 340 feet long and had on board: a motorboat, a sailboat, a helicopter and several cars. Way to go! Room for me?
Chilmark ... and the rest of the world ... is already halfway through April. We are still waiting for the wind to stop blowing and the air to warm up a little, but we all seem to be out and about and getting things done. I have a few dates to remind you of before we get too busy and miss these events.