July is on the ground and running, and I hope we can all keep up! Lots of activities, many of them in Chilmark, are planned both for the upcoming weekend and for the busy month ahead. The large yacht that was moored briefly off the Menemsha beach set the tone for the summer. It was reported to be 340 feet long and had on board: a motorboat, a sailboat, a helicopter and several cars. Way to go! Room for me?
Chilmark ... and the rest of the world ... is already halfway through April. We are still waiting for the wind to stop blowing and the air to warm up a little, but we all seem to be out and about and getting things done. I have a few dates to remind you of before we get too busy and miss these events.
Another week of winter has passed leaving Chilmark much as she was and still is; bored with all the wet and wind and still happy to have sunshine every now and then. The weather this week was definitely not worth talking about!
Chilmark sends congratulations to the Kohlberg family on the purchase of our wonderful Island newspaper and to the Preservation Trust who now have one of the historic Vineyard houses to take care of as only they can. I know the Kohlbergs have a long Chilmark history, so let’s hope they are readers of this column. We will keep you posted!
Chilmark is happy to tell all that the floating docks are in and that you can now reach the far end of the fill dock — just two months and a couple of days from the fire of July 12. Good work all around.
The weather has been very pleasant and just beginning to feel like September. The beaches are busy and the sunsets still well attended.
Please remember to attend the special town meeting scheduled for Sept. 27 at the Community Center at 7:30 p.m.
Chilmark dodged the bullet, as we say, and Hurricane Earl went home another way. We were spared the winds and the salt spray that always kills the fall vegetation and spoils the colorful fall display of changing leaves. The townsfolk spent a busy week preparing for possibilities that didn’t happen and, for that, we are grateful. It is nice to see boats back in the harbor and things returned to what is considered normal for this year in our harbor.