Chilmark dodged the bullet, as we say, and Hurricane Earl went home another way. We were spared the winds and the salt spray that always kills the fall vegetation and spoils the colorful fall display of changing leaves. The townsfolk spent a busy week preparing for possibilities that didn’t happen and, for that, we are grateful. It is nice to see boats back in the harbor and things returned to what is considered normal for this year in our harbor.
Chilmark is still alive with the bright yellows and reds of the fall foliage. I was wrong to think that they wouldn’t survive the winds of last week. We are still enjoying lovely roadside displays of color. Enjoy every minute the next winds will carry them away.
Chilmark is awaiting yet another hurricane as I write. The crowds at the Menemsha beach are enjoying their seafood and sunset with a minimum of concern. I did hear that the town landing at Quitsa was a busy place all day. Let’s hope that there will be no severe results from the passing storm.
Chilmark has been a dark and dreary place this past week with lots of wind and rain. The fall foliage is pretty much gone for this year and the general aspect is gray. A sunny day, even a short one, will improve the mood! Hopefully, before you read this!
This week we thank our veterans out loud; hopefully, we have been thanking them everyday in some way. Just enjoying our rights and privileges should remind us of their cost. We give thanks to all who served, serve and will serve.
I think it rained tourists on Menemsha all week. In spite of the dark days the crowds turned out to enjoy all the non-weather related joys of summer. The miserable stretch of weather ended with a big blow and some wild water. Surfers are never disappointed but only the hearty braved the waters this week.
Chilmark is in the midst of midsummer madness but everyone is having a grand time and is out and about chasing fun at full speed. Several thunderstorms moved thru one night this week and managed to be gone by daytime. The roads are a challenge most hours of the day and the parking or lack of it is the subject of most conversations.
Chilmark is aglow this week! The fall foliage is at its best these days. The rain and wind today does not bode well for any lengthy display. I hope you down-Island folks had a chance to take your annual foliage ride up-Island earlier this week to enjoy our fall colors! It has been really pretty and colorful all week.
Chilmark is moving through the August heat and sharing it with a large number of visitors and vacationers. Sometimes we feel as if we are wading through summer, as the humidity has been so high; however, it doesn’t hinder the outdoor activities all around town. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and, for that, we are happy.
Chilmark is a busy place this season of the year. Town hall is buzzing with activities, many surrounding the emergency work on the docks and many projects that had to wait for the summer to end. If you are new in town or are wondering how to fill the off-season hours, you might like to check out the opportunities for volunteer service to Chilmark. Congratulations to Cathy Thompson, who was appointed to complete the late Rusty Walton’s term on the planning board.