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Brad Woodger> 508-627-4216 ( First, a correction: Uncle Jimmer (Eric Hartell) wrote to inform me that the original Seager...
Tonight’s crescent moon appears right under the bright planet Saturn. The two are in the zodiacal constellation Virgo.
The Pews Are Alive . . .
The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School transportation subcommittee voted at their meeting last Monday night to cut off-Island field trip fees...
Memory Screenings Memory screenings will be offered on Friday, June 25, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Edgartown Council on Aging at 10 Daggett street in...
Festival of Poetry Featherstone Center for the Arts, in conjunction with the Martha’s Vineyard Writers Residency, presents a summer-long festival...
Help for Seniors Polly Brown and Jane Hawkes of Vineyard Village at Home will be guest speakers on Friday, June 18, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the...
Flower Photography The Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club will hold its monthly meeting on June 15 at 1 p.m. at the Old Mill on Edgartown Road in West...
Alcoholics Anonymous Information: 627-7084. All meetings are nonsmoking. Sunday, 6:45 a.m., open discussion meeting, First Baptist Church,...
Bonnie Stacy has been named chief curator at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum.
Island Book Art Winners The Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce has selected the winners of the 2010-2011 Island Book cover art contest. All...
