NANCY GARDELLA 508-693-3308 ( This is the kind of news I live to report. Over 50 years ago, Melvin and Neva Thornhill...
KATHIE CASE 508-627-5349 ( Even though it is not summer, we are experiencing summer weather. On Wednesday when I got in...
By LYNNE IRONS Here we go . . . heading into another summer season. The other day while sitting in a line of traffic, I noticed people getting cut...
Good morning to all our readers. The Gazette’s twice-a-week publication cycle will begin on Tuesday, June 1, and continue throughout the summer. The...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº May 21 70 52 .00 May 22 72 52 .00 May 23 67 56 Trace May 24 69 55 Trace May 25 75 56 .00 May...
Not having a television, I was unaware (until someone mentioned it) that there’s a Wisteria Lane that holds a special place in the prime-time...
The Polly Hill Arboretum Visitor Center opens for the season on Saturday, May 29, with daily hours from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tours of the grounds...
Steve Rob
The recreational season is off and running and no one can appreciate it better now than Capt. Scott McDowell of Chilmark. His boat is in the water...
Friday, May 21: Summer-like weather. The weekend opens with clear skies and high flying cirrus clouds. Temperature rises to the 70s, warmer at Five...
Norton Point Painting
Pilot John Levinson said the first time he took painter Kara Taylor up in his single-engine Mooney Acclaim she didn’t say a word. “She was...
Old Sculpin Opening The Old Sculpin Gallery and Studio School of the Martha’s Vineyard Art Association is opening for the season today, May 28,...
The Vineyard has long been a haven for artists. Heading into Memorial Day weekend, art gallery doors will be thrown open for the season, with...
