A new movie about the late Sen Ted Kennedy’s infamous Chappaquiddick accident has caused an uptick in tourist traffic to the small island off...
This year’s Friends of Family Planning art show and sale, an anchor Memorial Day weekend event for some three decades, will be the last.
When the Minnesingers walked on stage Sunday the audience applauded. When the red curtain rose, alumni of all ages took the stage.
A large crowd gathered Sunday for the dedication of a small chapel at Featherstone Center for the Arts. The chapel is a gift from the Rev. John...
This weekend, the Minnesingers will be joined by nearly 100 returning alumni in two concerts at the Performing Arts Center to celebrate the groups...
For two years, West Tisbury resident Marc Favreau combed through images and countless other sources to create his first book, Crash: A History of the...
On Thursday, Jan. 12, Felix Neck is hosting a full moon owl prowl from 6 to 7 p.m.
Sail Martha’s Vineyard opens its winter lecture series with a discussion of black whaling captains by Skip Finley.
The Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center will hold a service of remembrance on Friday, Jan. 13 for Dr. Martin Luther King and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel...