
climate change

Tonight the brightest planet in the night sky appears close to Regulus, the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Leo. The pair are less than...

Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº July 2 76 60 .00 July 3 80 60 .00 July 4 84 63 .00 July 5 86 65 .00 July 6 91 68 .00 July 7...


How can we help birds in this intense heat? The most important way is to provide water for them. I find I fill my bird bath several times a day...


A Sag Harbor landscape artist has turned her attention to making shark tournaments on Long Island and on the Vineyard more environmentally friendly...

Friday, July 2: Sunny and warm. Morning Glory Farm pickers are out in the fields early picking lettuce, all wearing hats. Some fields are watered...

It has been a scorcher of a week. When it is this hot, go ahead and complain. Play the blame game, too. Global warming, perhaps, or maybe just...
