Representatives from the town of Edgartown and the Dukes County Commission made pitches to take over ownership of the former Land Bank headquarters...

After nearly two centuries of government management, the U.S. Coast Guard announced last week that it will be letting go of the Nobska Lighthouse in...

Island housing advocates will return to Boston Tuesday to lobby their support for the local option transfer fee and housing bank bills being reviewed...

The charter school graduation was an emotional affair, as teachers and administrators bade farewell to students who had, in many cases, attended the...

The Vineyard boys tennis team is on to the next round of the playoffs after sweeping Ludlow 5-0 Friday afternoon on their home court.

Traffic along Beach Road was being detoured Friday afternoon because the Lagoon Pond drawbridge was stuck in the open position.


News Briefs

Featherstone Center for the Arts is presenting a new show Timeless — Celebrating Island Women Artists Over 80.

The town select board voted Wednesday to open the season until further notice.

We have no adoptions to report, but we do have a dog that really needs a good home.
