The turtle, discovered by a Chappaquiddick homeowner on Sept. 26, was heavily decomposed, but could have died by a ship strike.

The town’s harbor master and harbor advisory committee proposed changes to the town bylaws that they believed would make rules around jet skis more...

For nine-year-old Brielle Cortez, fishing means being able to connect with her grandfather, who died before she was born.

About 10 per cent of the derby’s registrants are signed up for the fly rod division this year. 

The last two Steamship Authority captains from Martha’s Vineyard have officially retired, leaving only off Island-based officers to run the Woods...

A study published earlier this month in the entomology journal Insects delves into how lone star and deer ticks have co-existed since the rapid rise...


News Briefs

Elizabeth Broski and Airton Broski, Jr., of Oak Bluffs, announce the birth of a daughter, Livia Kay Broski, born on September 17.

Morgan Uva and Joseph Uva 3rd, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a daughter, Madison Lucille Uva, born on Sept. 23.

Brittany Assis Silva and Tulio Vinicius DeSilva, of Oak Bluffs, announce the birth of a son, Noah DePaula Silva, born on September 19.
