The winter sports season is persevering despite Covid infections decimating team ranks each week, and their fan base limited too.

At a liquor license hearing Wednesday, the prospective buyers of the Lambert’s Cove Inn found themselves in the midst of wary neighbors with a litany...

Following a vote by the regional high school committee, the Vineyard’s winter homeless shelter is moving to the former early childhood building at...

The much-debated article to create a Martha’s Vineyard Housing Bank will go on the annual town meeting warrant Oak Bluffs, after a unanimous vote by...

With Covid-19 now racing through the Vineyard community, boards of health issued a public health message Tuesday urging Islanders to take steps to...

The pioneering law professor and voting rights activist who died Jan. 7 had long family ties to the Vineyard, where she had owned a home.


News Briefs

On March 11, the Dukes County sheriff's office led a cleanup of roadside littler along Edgartown-West Tisbury Road.

The West Tisbury Library announces that masks are now optional inside the building during normal library hours.

Tisbury has set its town meeting for April 12 and its town election May 24. Nomination papers are due April 5.
