Sunday street closures, expanded outdoor dining and a drive-in movie theatre at the Y are all part of the plan to help boost business.
Tisbury will convene its annual town meeting under a tent at the town elementary school, beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday. Face coverings are required.
Edgartown voters are set to take up a significantly pared-down agenda, with a complex land purchase involving the Boys and Girls Club topping the 53-...
Voters will decide next week whether to take a fresh tack on the long-stalled town hall renovation project.
Two months behind the usual schedule, voters go to the polls on Thursday in Oak Bluffs and Edgartown, where contested races for selectmen and...
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital chief nursing and operations officer Claire Seguin started her job on March 1, 10 days before the World Health...
The Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard remains open for official business and by appointment only.
A kiteboarder who was swept out to sea in strong winds was rescued by Edgartown and Oak Bluffs fire and rescue boats Wednesday.
An all-out search effort by Edgartown police, fire, EMS Monday evening was successful.