No new cases of coronavirus were reported Tuesday, marking the ninth day in a row without a confirmed positive on the Island even as testing capacity...

Galvanized by a worldwide focus on racial inequity, the Martha’s Vineyard Diversity Coalition reached out to community leaders via Zoom Monday...

The 159th Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society Livestock Show and Fair will be held virtually, on a date to be announced, society leaders announced...

The Boys & Girls Club and YMCA both plan to open summer camps next month, with strict safety protocols. But most other Island camps will cancel...

Edgartown restaurants can now officially apply to expand their outdoor dining capacity, after selectmen approved a policy Monday to allow seating...

Chilmark voters flew through their annual town meeting in just over 30 minutes late Monday afternoon, in an unusual year.


News Briefs

The good news this week Bumpy, the Wheaton terrier, has been adopted into a new home.

Oak Bluffs selectmen set Saturday, Nov. 14 as a date for a special town meeting this week.

Edgartown selectmen approved dates for the 2020 scallop season Monday.
