For the past 20-plus years Bob Falkenburg has been a smiling face at the busy downtown Oak Bluffs information booth, greeting visitors from places...

An unexpected surge in visitors this weekend caught many Vineyard business owners and public health officials by surprise.

Hundreds of peaceful demonstrators flooded downtown Oak Bluffs Sunday in a march against systemic racism and police brutality. The march began at...

Tisbury voters gave a standing ovation to their retiring fire chief and backed a $6.4 million sewer expansion at their annual town meeting Saturday.

Edgartown voters quickly approved a complex land deal involving the Boys and Girls Club at a historic outdoor annual town meeting.

On Saturday morning at 9 a.m. the West Tisbury Farmers’ Market officially opened in its new location at the Agricultural Society fairgrounds.


News Briefs

Maggie and Alex Morrison, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a daughter, Katherine Jane Morrison, born on Sept. 22 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital...

A New York avenue resident had his Trump flag vandalized, according to Oak Bluffs police.

Elizabeth Mallory Jay and William Harrison Woodhull were married on Saturday, Sept. 12.
