From the Feb. 25, 1972 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: A northeast storm of unusual viciousness struck the Island on Saturday during the early hours.
A few years ago when I was still discovering the incredible information I could get from my computer, I Googled myself.
One meditation teacher I listen to said we have 85 thousand thoughts a day.
Recently, I participated in a Zoom meeting with about 25 other ACE organizations from around Massachusetts.
From the June 15, 1956 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
The plan was to deliver my baby in New York city at New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan.
On Monday, my daughter and I drove down to Five Corners so that we could put our knees on the gritty pavement for eight long minutes.
I urge the MVC to reject this proposal.
Fifty years after 1970, I ask, are they still considered bike paths?
Unified Enforcement Editors, Vineyard Gazette; This is not safe. Visitors now have the impression that they can let down their guard, take off their...