A useful coping mechanism in these difficult times is to look for the positives and to write them down.

It was the last Thursday in March and I felt a need to record the day.

Just weeks before she died, digital thieves snuck in and stole my mother’s identity.

Monday, April 6, 2020 marks the 700th anniversary of the signing of Scotland’s Declaration of Independence.

There is so much uninterrupted time imposed by the stay-at-home order.

When the news began getting overwhelmed with stories of Covid-19, and the anxieties mounted, I lost my ability to read.


Letters to the Editor

There has been a great deal of negative publicity about the Oak Bluffs fire department recently, so I would like to offer a different perspective.

Tisbury and Oak Bluffs selectmen have recently demonstrated an apparent disregard for the voters and taxpayers.

What would you do if you were a selectman in Oak Bluffs about the local fire department and its leadership?
