From every quarter comes the question: “What is the world coming to?”; and particularly when the word comes of wholesale disaster.

There’s a decided air of neglect about the Martha’s Vineyard Airport that has nothing to do with the Island’s casual vibe.

Good fences make good neighbors, the old adage goes, but surely flowers along fence lines are among the prettiest sights.

Two years ago I wrote a Gazette column about the boxes in my basement — or to be more precise (and pathetic), the boxes in our basements.

Every year I say the same thing to my husband, “I’d love to take a vacation . . . on Martha’s Vineyard.”

I’ve got last day blues. They are as blue as the waves crashing on Squibnocket when I flash my beach pass for the last time.


Letters to the Editor

On the Nov. 8 ballot is a hotly-contested question having to do with possible expansion of charter schools in Massachusetts.

Count the number of listings of houses for sale in both Island newspapers and the Real Estate Guide.

Since 1998, the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest has been a place that my husband, a physician, and I have enjoyed daily.
