The meeting room above the firehouse at Beetlebung corner in Chilmark is long, narrow and low-ceilinged.
We don’t call it the dump anymore, not officially anyway. We don’t even call it the landfill, because our trash is no longer buried in the ground....
The men and women of Coast Guard Station Menemsha agreed that June Manning's exemplary spirit of giving and "just because she's June" merited some...
Soon it will be time to take a long look at the school district budget — never a great time for a parent of a student with special needs.
Now is a perfect time for the Martha’s Vineyard Commission to “articulate its mission and reconsider its priorities.” To take it a step further, it...
If ever there was an issue crying out for a plebiscite, the proposed third bridge is it. The decision on this dubious improvement is crucial to the...
What follows is the progress report written on behalf of the Squibnocket Beach committee and delivered to the special town meeting Monday night.
I was relieved to read that an expansion of the Edgartown historic district was approved.
It seems that we in Edgartown are sitting at Alice’s tea party and things are indeed getting curiouser and curiouser.
The following letter was sent to the Edgartown selectmen.