This week the selectmen in the shire town approved a request by a new homeowner to remove four old shade trees on South Water street in Edgartown.

I have walked down the Hollywood walk of fame walking into light poles, people and baby carriages because I had my eyes firmly planted on the ground...

Writing about my friend Ken Edelin in the past tense so soon after his death (Dec. 30, 2013) is difficult and satisfying only in view of having an...

Friendship! Mysterious Cement of the soul! Sweetener of life! And Solder of society! Robert Blair, 1699-1746

A leisurely breakfast, reading the next chapter in a wonderful book, finishing an oil painting, learning how to do a linoleum cut block print. The...

We all have a million regrets but there is that one we carry around like a sack of cement sitting squarely on the heart. The writer reflects.


Letters to the Editor

Having written several letters critical of the unkempt, rundown appearance of the Vineyard airport, I write now a compliment.

I’d like to publicly thank all those who helped make the sixth annual Best Fest a success.

I have for 40 years been interested in the unusual bungalow-style building on Beach Road between the gas station and bike rental place in Vineyard...
