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Special Delivery As off-Island subscribers to this newspaper know only too well, the U.S. Postal Service has been in decline for many years. With...

Big Houses, Small Island They are the guzzlers of the built environment, and like sport utility vehicles, McMansions have become an object of...

From Gazette editions of December 1986: The Vineyard may only wonder — perhaps despair is a better word — at the insanity of yet another collision...

Alarming Contradictions Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

Late Summer Luncheon Editor’s Note: Last fall Marlee Fox, a senior in high school, was mulling over her creative writing assignment. It was a...


Letters to the Editor

I am writing in opposition to the proposed two-lane bridge and parking lot to be voted on by the residents of Chilmark on April 28.

I am an interested party, owning a home adjacent to Squibnocket Farm, and ask that readers consider the following.

As an abutter to the proposed bridge at Squibnocket, I would ask that the town and all interested parties slow the approval/permitting process to...
