Childhood obesity is one of the nation’s fastest growing problems. At this point in time, almost one out of every three young Americans is...

To solve the problem of childhood obesity here on the Vineyard and throughout the nation we must start with ourselves. Everyone should make a...

We the young people of Martha’s Vineyard can help promote healthier living, especially among young Americans, by teaching parents to buy healthier...

Neither surf nor turf, land or sea, salt marshes are a spongy, mucky, stinky in-between zone full of biting, stinging, snapping creatures. Yet they...

House bill 254 is not constitutional and if up held would set a dangerous precedent, potentially affecting all waterfront landowners.

I moved to the Vineyard in 1966 and have been passionate about fishing from the beaches for more than 35 years. Over the years, I have seen many...


Letters to the Editor

When people ask me what makes Martha’s Vineyard so special, I only have three words, “zoning, zoning and zoning.”

After weeks of attending public hearings, writing carefully considered letters and making personal pleas to the MV Commission, our family did not...

Today as we drive by the Mill Pond, a prominent gateway to our town, we can see growth edging out into the pond — little formations of grassy islands...
