Dear President Obama: With so many top-notch advisors to routinely advise you, how audacious of me to think I might offer some nugget that might...

boats beach sunrise sea

It was the right thing to do. This past April we sold our primary residence outside of Boston and moved the proverbial lock, stock and what...


If you see one bark beetle and you are an entomolo gist, you know immediately you’ve got big problems. Those beetles can eat an entire forest. I’...

Dinner for Eight The view of the Elizabeth Islands was breathtaking. The food delicious. A group of friends gathered to enjoy a meal and talk...


REMEMBER TO READ Dear Mr. President: Things to do on Martha’s Vineyard: 1. Read the Vineyard Gazette. 2. Go to the Ag Fair and get a corn dog...

Mohammad (Reza) Ahmadi didn’t go down without a fight. The middle-aged Londoner is stocky enough to occasionally assume bouncer duties outside his...


Letters to the Editor

In the early 1990s The Vineyard was its own destination, not a presidential vacation spot or a real estate speculation. There were only three things...

When people ask me what makes Martha’s Vineyard so special, I only have three words, “zoning, zoning and zoning.”

After weeks of attending public hearings, writing carefully considered letters and making personal pleas to the MV Commission, our family did not...
