Letter from the Publisher One should not take the helm of a 165-year-old institution without a sense of history and humility, and so I arrived...

Farm Talk From a Spring, 1948 Gazette:

I am a person of words, speaking them, writing them, reading them, I love them anyway I can get them. Especially writing. There is nothing in the...


Dear Ana,

Unlike a lot of seals, who have managed to gain steady employment in circuses and aquariums, I have never tried to balance a beach ball on my nose...

Full Meal Of all the harbingers of spring there is one that evokes not a smile but a sense of sadness: The end of the community suppers. Each...


Letters to the Editor

Thanks for all the kind words in person and comments on the internet from friends and acquaintances new and old, congratulating me for bringing...

I enjoyed Skip Finley’s Nov. 1 column that gave your readers insight into one of the Island’s true characters. I met Wayne in 1974 when I washed...

It is my personal belief that there isn’t a resident or visitor to the Vineyard who arrives via the SSA to Vineyard Haven who lauds the view that...
