Construction is beginning on the drawbridge at the entrance to Lagoon Pond, straddling the border between Oak Bluffs and Tisbury. I’d like to bring...

Last week nearly 500 religious communities around the country screened the movie Ghosts of Abu Ghraib, a film that raises such questions as: how...

We are this week’s editors for Sophomores Speak Out. We are sophomore members of the class of 2010. This week we have a range of topics. All of our...

25 Years Ago From the Vineyard Gazette editions of November, 1982:

Preservation vs. Legal Nightmare As the clamor grows louder in Oak Bluffs around the Veira Park baseball project, a few key points are important...

Last Draggers in Menemsha The Quitsa Strider II sits rusting at the dock in Menemsha. Her skipper Jonathan Mayhew, who has devoted his life to...


Letters to the Editor

BIRDS AND WIND Editors, Vineyard Gazette: I appreciated Susan Whiting giving us the thoughtful comments of David Nash on wind power and bird...

POINT MISSING Editors, Vineyard Gazette: I was wondering after reading the story headlined “African American Community Blasts Magazine Article,”...

CONFESSION Editors, Vineyard Gazette: I am writing to confess a sin of omission. Last week we distributed our summer newsletter in your paper....
