The tragedy of the New England hurricane of 1938 was not the loss of nearly 10,000 homes and business along the shore. It was the psychic...

With the economy in shambles and no end in sight to the Writers Guild strike, Hollywood studios are about to release a string of low-budget movies...


Thank you, dear Edgartown for all your friendly greetings, pats on the head, dog bones (especially Kendra at the Gazette, Linda at the hardware...

Looking for something a bit different? Well, in a quiet way. Next time you’re off-Island with nowhere particularly to go you might try Hopedale. It...

Hard Work, Simple Pleasures From the Vineyard Gazette editions of January, 1975: Renewal, the theme of a new year, has turned Islanders to the...

The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all holidays. It was first observed in ancient Babylon about 4,000 years ago when the new year...


Letters to the Editor

OUR OWN HOUSE Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

PAYING TOO MUCH Editors, Vineyard Gazette: On Tuesday the town of Tisbury voted to give the Island Housing Trust, a private, nonprofit land...

ERRORS AND OMISSIONS Editors, The Vineyard Gazette: The report of the Chilmark selectmen’s meeting in the Nov. 6 Gazette should have been titled...
