The Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the New York Times died this week at age 93. A longtime Nantucket summer resident, he occasionally had a few...
A Parellel Universe.
On the Same Page, the delightful new book by novelist and Vineyard resident N. D. Galland, centers around an unlikely Capulet-Montague rivalry: two...
Thirty four years ago, MVRHS principal Gregory Scotten addressed my incoming freshman class. During the convocation he cited the Shaker hymn Simple...
To cook or not to cook? That’s often the question. Eat in or eat out?
Prior to the publishing of my Yiddish and Jive book, it seemed I spent every hour of the day at my computer dealing with and solving all sorts of...
I don’t mind taking down the tree. 
 It has served its purpose. At first it was a welcome holiday guest but it took up a lot of room and I wanted my...
Crows have come to roost in my consciousness again. I am of the kind that seek out the omens of a happening, a circumstance, a serendipity.
At 1100 hours, we set our anchor on a grassy sand conch pasture under 12 feet of sapphire sea. It had been a rough eight-day offshore passage from...
’Twas Christmas Eve in Tisbury, And trees were all alight, St. Nick was coming surely, The stars were gleaming bright.
The question was: Do you believe in Santa Claus?
I recently noticed that trees are tall. Some of them really tall, even super tall.
