As a board member of Hospice and Palliative Care of Marthas’s Vineyard, I would like to thank the Gazette editors for presenting such a comprehensive...
It is hard to imagine anyone more deserving of receiving the Vineyard Village’s Spirit of the Vineyard award than Paddy Moore.
The Martha's Vineyard Savings Bank Foundation's gift of $10,000 for the GoGoGrandparent Program makes it possible to offer rides to aging adults.
Starting Nov. 25, the Vineyard Transit Authority, through a statewide initiative, will be offering fare free service for the rest of the year.
There's a church in Tisbury that needs a window restored.
The Gay Head 10K committee would like to thank everyone who helped to make the ninth annual Gay Head 10K, a Race for the Light, another success.
With the presentation of the focus group findings at its Nov. 2 meeting, the West Tisbury building committee now knows what the future of Howes House...
I don't think we've reached the tipping point of conserving our Island land; we've exceeded the tenable tipping point of building Martha's Vineyard...
The Martha's Vineyard Land Bank does not pay property taxes and in fact takes property taxes off the tax roll.
The land bank watched with interest the Island's recent debate and deliberation over the housing bank.
As a lifelong Democrat I am concerned about the partisan sentiments expressed in A Great Time in your Oct. 14 edition.
I am concerned that the bike path that runs along Veterans Park is closed for 14 days during the Beach Road Music Festival.
