Woodside Community Gardens wish to thank Rebecca Gilbert and Randy Ben David for their generous donation of compost
There needs to be incentive for a more sustainable restaurant culture, and this begins with a vote to allow full liquor licenses.
I would like to share information on West Tisbury warrant articles for the construction of rental apartments at Scott’s Grove.
Hard drinking is not the type of vibrancy we need in Vineyard Haven.
Please consider a yes vote at the annual town meeting on Monday allowing restaurants in Chilmark to sell beer and wine.
On April 24, Chilmark is voting to allow the sale of beer and wine in restaurants.
I did not realize that Tuesday’s meetings were scheduled for the same night as the second Passover Seder.
This year the voters of Chilmark are being asked to make a change to a very specific area of the Chilmark zoning bylaws.
Three months ago last week, I was sworn in as your local state representative.
Kudos to Ralph Packer for making a noticeable improvement to the Beach Road walking experience.
Until this morning, I did not realize that Tuesday’s town hall meetings were scheduled for the same night as the second Passover Seder.
On April 24, Chilmark is voting to allow the sale of beer and wine in restaurants.
