The next Chappy Community Center potluck dinner will be hosted by Judy Buss and Paul Cardello on Wednesday, Oct. 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. Potlucks are held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Hosts are needed for upcoming potlucks
I asked Milo how many sisters he has now and he held up two fingers in front of the biggest grin that I have ever seen on a guy his size! His sister Ramona was also grinning ear to ear as she told me that her brand new sister’s name is Matilda.
Back in mid-April Captain Bob Gilkes retired from the Chappy ferry after two decades of ferryboat driving. His retirement party last week was as well attended as the annual ferry captain and crew appreciation dinner!
Captain Bob Gilkes has retired from the Chappy ferry after faithfully driving the ferryboats for two decades, through fair weather and foul. The ferry crew will be hosting the Chappy Community Center potluck on Wednesday, June 1 as a testimonial to honor Captain Bob’s years of service to the Chappy community.
There was a dinosaur on the Chappy ferry this morning. The reason that I mention this is that a few years ago one of my granddaughters made it a point to tell me that I was incorrect in telling her that there are no dinosaurs now. She is right.