A Dukes County steering committee voted this week not to look into the separation of the Martha’s Vineyard Regional Airport from the county,...
Tisbury police are seeking any information about a man alleged to have sexually assaulted a juvenile female acquaintance last Sunday. Known to...
On the Chappy Wire NStar has reached a preliminary agreement with Comcast to bring cable and Internet service to Chappaquiddick, Edgartown town...
West Tisbury selectmen agreed this week to move a World War II memorial from an inaccessible and rarely visited site at the intersection of West...
A chimney fire at Lattanzi’s Restaurant in Edgartown caused the pizzeria section of the restaurant to fill with smoke Thursday afternoon. Fire...
A year after his court-ordered reinstatement as fire investigator in Oak Bluffs, Peter Martell says the town is not honoring his position. Last...
Less than three per cent of the earth’s water is fresh, the water that sustains us. As the oceans rise due to global warming salt water is creeping...
Woods Hole, 1910: idling steam trains exhale vapor at regular intervals, buoys clang out in the channel. An 11-year-old boy from Oak Park, Ill.,...
MONSTER SPECTACLE Editors, Vineyard Gazette: Public spectacles like the annual monster shark tournament have much in common with the gladiator...
Save Our Farmland An acre a minute. That’s how much farmland is currently being lost to development and other causes in America, according to a...
Vinnie sits at the table in the lounge. He wears, as always, a cap. A big pin in his shirt says I’m The Boss. He’s singing Roll Out The Barrel in a...
Edgartown House Tour The Edgartown House Tour, sponsored by the Federated Church, is on Tuesday, August 9. Lunch will be served on the lawn at 75...
