BETTYE FOSTER BAKER 508-696-9983 ( “Look not from the mind, but from the soul. For the Life that is coming is already...
For Kate Taylor and Joan LeLacheur, wampum is a living thing. It’s not just an inanimate discarded clamshell, but rather something that has the...
Rick Herrick> 508-693-8065 ( Ken Blacklow and I go back a long way. We have been neighbors for close to 40 years, which...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº July 29 81 62 Trace July 30 79 69 .00 July 31 88 63 .00 August 1 85 69 .00 August 2 85 66 ....
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Raking it In From Gazette editions of August, 1936: The honor of landing the biggest striped bass of the season is held by Carl Norton of...
bike ferry
JUNE D. MANNING 508-645-2574 (
JANE N. SLATER 508-645-3378 Chilmark dove into August with the confidence of a diver who knew how deep the pool was. There...
NANCY GARDELLA 508-693-3308 (
KATHIE CASE 508-627-5349 ( I think we can say there have been no complaints of the weather. It has been hot but the...
Tonight’s first quarter moon appears in the zodiacal constellation Libra. The moon is low in the southwestern sky after sunset. Tomorrow night, the...
James Carole
Last Monday night a dream of sitting down with James Taylor was auctioned off at the Possible Dreams fundraiser. It cost a pretty penny. For those...
