Morning Glory Farm Set To Air on Television Program Jim and Debbie Athearn of Morning Glory Farm have received word that their farm is scheduled...
Two Become Associates At Hutker Architects Firm
Asked to describe his team's effort in last Friday's crushing 20-16 loss to the Crusaders from Cape Cod Tech/Harwich, no-nonsense Vineyarders...
Kitty Dukakis, the former first lady of Massachusetts and wife of 1988 Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis, will be on the Vineyard...
drama students
Catch a sneak preview of the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School’s upcoming fall theatre workshops on Tuesday, Oct. 30, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m...
Alabama singer-songwriter Malcolm Singleton is playing Friday night at Offshore Ale Company in Oak Bluffs, and Saturday at the Wharf in Edgartown...
Both Henry and Kate Feiffer make one thing absolutely clear: in real life Henry was never sad, like his character in the new book Henry the Dog...
Open Mike Night Open mike event is about to kick off at the community building at Island Co-housing, and organizers are looking for musical...
HOLLY NADLER 508-693-3880 ( Good news: Our town is safe from those sinister scarecrows assembled along Circuit avenue by...
Rick Herrick> 508-693-8065 ( A few years back a group of Island residents who were dissatisfied with the functioning of...
MARGARET KNIGHT 508-627-8894 ( There is a trail near my house which I’ve used for years, but this fall I noticed a...
JUNE D. MANNING 508-645-2574 ( The temperatures have remained in the sixties once again this past week with just a few clouds...
