When a shipwrecked sailor, an Indian ballet dancer, a pair of escaped Afghan interpreters and an assortment of movie makers are all headed for the...

Jack Ryan is a master of the pointillist technique of stippling, using a pen to draw dots that create shapes and contrasts of shadow and light. Mocha...

Just three days in to creating his third kinetic bird sculpture, Tim Laursen has already figured out how to make the wings flap.

A professional illustrator in the era before photojournalism, Percy Elton Cowen (1888-1923) created vivid images to accompany stories in Collier’s,...

Martha's Vineyard is famous for eerie coincidences, some touching luminaries who live here.

Fishermen, aquaculturists and water quality activists will gather for a night at the movies — and some oysters on the half shell — at the Martha's...


Arts Briefs

Performances of Matilda The Musical Jr. take place at the West Tisbury School Friday, March 10 through Sunday, March 12.

The sextet's Island residency will culminate with a free tango music concert and community dance on Friday, March 17.

During March, the West Tisbury Public Library will present a new exhibit titled Taking Shape in Space.
