Rebecca Makkai, whose breakout novel The Great Believers was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, returned with another novel early this year that aims to...

When journalist and author Andrew Meier set out to write a history of the Morgenthau family, he knew it would be no small undertaking.

Joan Biskupic’s Nine Black Robes presents a portrait of a United States Supreme Court ideologically divided and deeply affected by former President...

When Nicole Chung began writing her book A Living Remedy: A Memoir, she did not imagine that her life — and her book — would completely transform.

Tracy Kidder didn’t set out to write a book about rural medicine, tuberculosis and AIDS in Haiti. Or education in America.

When Elizabeth Alexander sat down to write her latest book, she drew upon a lifetime of material from her extensive career as a scholar, author and...


Arts Briefs

Featherstone Center for the Arts is accepting submissions for an upcoming exhibit exploring the theme Love Lives Here.

The Peter Simon Calendar 2023 edition is currently available.

Warren the Whale has arrived, swimming ashore this season thanks to the writing of Phyllis Meras and illustrations by Anne Ganz.
