Elizabeth Bermudes of West Tisbury graduated from Furman University with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Henry K. Gallagher and Anna B. Hughes of West Tisbury were named to the spring 2017 dean’s list at Boston University.

Caitlin Sylva of West Tisbury graduated summa cum laude from Southern New Hampshire University.

Jack O’Malley graduated from Grinnell College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science.

After three months of legal battles, the owner of Airport Mobil said he will close the station and car wash at the end of the day Monday, July 17.

The Coast Guard came to the aid of a 30-foot recreational vessel that was taking on water Thursday afternoon off Squibnocket.


News Briefs

Get ready to swim, bike and run a very long way this Sunday, beginning at 7 a.m. in the waters near Waban Park in Oak Bluffs.

Island artist June Schoppe presents her first solo Island exhibition at the Chilmark Library/

Negative doubles occur when partner opens bidding, your right-hand opponent overcalls, and you have some strength but no other way to bid it.
