So the guy says, “Hey buddy, you got a minute?” You know a story is coming so you say, “Sure.”

The women of Chilmark defended their contention that they should be granted shellfish permits by selectmen.

Autumn has been more promise than reality this year, with warm days lingering well past the time when hard frost ordinarily lays claim to the land.

Invisible to me, but not to Bill Austin, surveyor, who spies each little rill, And ridge and ditch and remnants of a fence

The Vineyard Committee on Hunger’s Family to Family Thanksgiving food distribution took place on Friday, Nov. 17.

The opposition is there and has been for a long time. It comes from elected officials on and off the Cape and Islands.


Letters to the Editor

Tisbury voters approved the construction of a new school during our just completed annual town meeting. I abstained.

There is no doubt that the Tisbury School has serious infrastructure issues that need to be addressed.

I have lived in Tisbury for 31 years. Our three children went to the Tisbury School.
