This is the interval of the year and the calendar when it is more fashionable to look ridiculous than to look attractive.
From the July 7, 1931 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
Martha's Vineyard cherishes the memory of many localisms — sayings that were common on the Island in the old days.
We are always interested in the destiny of the Island's old houses, and it is worth comment that the once famous Dr. Tucker cottage in Oak Bluffs has...
Mrs. Lee Van Allen of Malden and the Vineyard was here for the weekend.
On the Island at this time of year it’s everybody’s moving day.
Gay Head won the Boston Post Shield of Honor for the largest percentage of men in the service of the United States.
For nearly a week the Island of Martha’s Vineyard has held a central position in a scene of theoretical warfare extending from Long Island to Cape...
A fish tale from the May 10, 1963 edition of the Gazette.
From the May 5, 1950 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:
From the April 24, 1981 edition of the Vineyard Gazette: For 33 years the SS Martha’s Vineyard carried people and cars across Nantucket Sound.
The fruit trees are in bud and the lawns are looking green and show considerable growth.
