The “unusual 2NT” overcall of an opponent’s opening one-bid shows 5-5 or longer holdings in the two lowest unbid suits.
Many doubles populate the bridge landscape: penalty doubles, takeout doubles, negative doubles.
When you’re dealt a huge, two-suited hand, do you bid an artificial and forcing 2♣?
Q. 1 — Sitting South and dealing, with North-South vulnerable, you hold: ♠ A K, ♥ 9 7 5 2, ♦5, ♣ A 10 7 5 3 2.
An interesting bidding decision arose July 9 at the Bridge Club of Martha’s Vineyard in Vineyard Haven.
See if you can determine what went wrong and how to fix the problem in the hand pictured below.
What is a limit raise? Let’s stick to the major suits, since most of these bids apply to them.
Many bridge players don’t realize it, but the same responses apply to partner’s 2NT opening bid as apply to 1NT.
The Bridge Club of Martha’s Vineyard will open play on Saturday, June 18, at the Tisbury Senior Center.
Matt Cromwell of Edgartown claimed victory in the Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club Fall Shoot.
The annual shotgun season opened Monday, Nov. 30 and about 175 deer have been taken so far.
The Bridge Club of Martha’s Vineyard concluded its 2015 season at the Tisbury Council on Aging the morning of Sept. 12, and it was quite a show.
