Bear with me, and we’ll get to bridge. First, I have to get some pet peeves off my chest.
Wikipedia defines an endplay in bridge as “a tactical play where a defender is put on lead at a strategic moment, and then has to make a play that...
The redoubtable Marty Bergen has created two online quizzes to carry you through the quarantine season. Labeled 1-20 and then 21-40, they ask...
Paul Laliberte and I were sitting North-South, with no one vulnerable and East dealing, in an OK Bridge tournament:     
The Trustees will reopen the summer gatehouse to Long Point Wildlife Refuge June 18, with reduced parking, timed ticketing and online-only sales.
Based on acceptable water quality testing results, the state is allowing shellfishing to resume in the West Arm of Lagoon Pond.
The popular swimming hole is closed for the 2020 season. Hiking trails remain open.
Audrey Grant has landed a grand slam with her pamphlet Five Trips to Simplify Entries: The Importance of the Link Card
June 2 is the reopening date for the beach gatehouses at Norton Point and on Chappaquiddick, according to the Trustees of Reservations.
The Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club has announced the cancellation of its 29th Fly Rod Striped Bass Catch and Release Tournament, scheduled for...
Island musicians will play an all-ages Zoom concert Saturday to benefit the Mass Audubon Bird-a-thon and Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary.
Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary in Edgartown reopened its trail system Thursday. Director Suzan Bellincampi said the buildings remain closed.
