It’s usually unwise to lead an unprotected ace, even if you’ve bid the suit and partner has raised it. You might be setting up an opponent’s king....
Bridge players constantly re-evaluate their hands as the bidding progresses. Here’s a example, with South dealing and North-South vulnerable:
Healthy Aging MV, the Island Disability Coalition and the Dukes County Commission have launched a survey to determine the level of accessibility at...
It may be January but it's never to early to bone up on your classic Lefty's Deceiver, the cinder worm, or the surf candy epoxy minnow.
To say goodbye to 2022, there are ample ways to celebrate New Year's Eve on the Island.
Commercial and recreational shellfishermen asked the select board to roll back new catch limits, saying stricter bushel maximums were unnecessary and...
Here are some more bidding questions: Q. 1—Sitting South, with East dealing and no one vulnerable, you hold: ♠️ 6 ♥️ 10 7 ♦️ A Q J 10 6 ♣️ A K Q...
Here are some bidding tips: Q. 1 — Sitting South and dealing, with no one vulnerable, you hold: ♠️ K 8 ♥️ A 10 9 4 ♦️ A J 6 4 3 ♣️ K 4 What do...
It’s one of the worst feelings in bridge. Your partner has opened the bidding, the next player passes, and you have an opening hand yourself. The...
Summer reservations in Oak Bluffs and Edgartown harbors have exploded to record levels. Online reservations opened Feb. 1 in Oak Bluffs and March 1...
This is my last bridge column of the season. Have a great winter and play plenty of bridge!
When opponents give you some information unwisely, make the most of it.
