The standout at Five Corners was well attended and eventful last Saturday.
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower," Albert Camus.
Hail, hail, the gang's all here.
Ginny Weis Cramer, her daughter Liz, and son in law,Mark are on-Island with other family members, having a lovely visit and a memorial service for our friend Leda Giatti.
September is the "back to" month: back to school, back to school buses, back to the fishing derby, back to the Martha's Vineyard International Film Festival.
I had the most wonderful surprise in the mail from my dear friend Frances Down and her daughter, Angel Naphtalie Aiguier.
The Chicken Alley Art & Collectibles Sale is postponed because of the Delta Variant. We hope we will see it in October.
Jacqueline and Gretchen Baer are opening their family home on Sunday August 15 to anyone who missed the exquisite display of Jackie's Eterna-Mannequins two weeks ago.
On August 6, our Main street will be closed to traffic from late afternoon through the evening for First Friday. There will be food, fun and music. Get to see your friends and meet your shopkeepers.