What to say about John McCain? What a hero.
I kid you not, last week the mosquitoes were the size of horses! I should have entered them in the fair!
Let’s talk turkey. I have been known to say that, until I moved here 42 years ago from New York, I thought wild turkey was an alcoholic beverage.
There was almost a disaster for me six days ago. As I was passing the hospital, I remembered that I left a large pot of rice simmering on the stove.
This is the fastest moving summer ever. Even with some of our downpours, the plants are begging for water. And I am happily entertaining a flock of turkeys – from eight to 15 daily.
A special, heartfelt so long to Sara Brown of this newspaper.
I have not driven on-Island for four summers. As I headed home from Oak Bluffs a few days ago, I was startled to see a traffic light turn red as I was about to cross the bridge. What’s that?, I thought.
Roll call. The whole gang is returning.
Scholarship and soccer. You can’t get a better combination.