Adult Farming Programs The Farm Institute in Katama is expanding with adult programming — 11 weeks of workshops for grownups, on Wednesday...
Connor Gifford
Connor Gifford, a 28-year-old man from Nantucket, was born with some extra chromosomes. Sometimes that little bit extra can be a burden; other...
The Edgartown selectmen opted not to accept a letter of resignation submitted by affordable housing committee member Alan Gowell at their meeting...
The new Martha’s Vineyard Hospital was expected to receive approval for a temporary parking plan last night from the Martha’s Vineyard Commission,...
Wine and Dine The Sweet Life Café is hosting a wine dinner series to benefit The Yard, beginning on Wednesday, May 19, at 6 p.m. at its Circuit...
When the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital embarked on its recent major expansion, it triggered Massachusetts Department of Public Health regulations to...
A large anchor, possibly dating back to the 19th century, was pulled out of the outer Edgartown harbor late Tuesday afternoon. Donald Benefit, an...
West Tisbury selectmen on Wednesday approved a new policy for the police department’s use of nonlethal weapons, gave the roads and byways committee...
The first youth delegates to the Vineyard Youth Summit for Sustainable Development have been named and will meet this week ahead of their June...
I n August the reeds just beyond the open door to the Mugwump shed sway and hiss in a warm breeze off the lagoon. Inside the building, the shape of...
Commended List Headmaster Jay Stroud has announced the Commended List at Tabor Academy for the first semester of the 2009-2010 academic year. On...
Chilmark resident and Gazette photographer Peter Simon was a member of the graduating class of Boston University in 1970. The only trouble was, he...
