So, you promised to make Christmas cookies with the kids, but you’re feeling rather Scrooge-like.
Holiday shoppers can support the Vineyard’s nature sanctuary and find gifts honoring the beauty of nature through fine arts and crafts at Felix...
C hristmastime is predictable: swirls of white lights; favorite carols that young kids first learn as Chet’s Nuts Roasting on an Open Fire and Hark...
On the last Sunday in Advent, Dec. 20, the United Methodist Church of Martha’s Vineyard will present this year’s Christmas Pageant, written by E....
Nursery Decks the Halls The Oak Bluffs Association has announced that Crossland Nursery is this year’s winner for best business decorations in Oak...
New Writers’ Group The Bunch of Grapes Writers’ Group with Cynthia Riggs meets every Tuesday morning from 10 a.m. to noon, upstairs in the Bunch...
Felix Neck Photo Event
Open Studio Vineyard Haven artist Cindy Kane will be opening her studio from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 19, and Sunday, Dec. 20. The...
By LYNNE IRONS Trudy Taylor stopped by for a visit. We have common interests in canaries and gardening. We discussed our love for chicken and how...
This is the start of the quiet time for wildlife on the Vineyard. Fall migration is essentially over, with the possible exception of a few hawks that...
College credit (without leaving the Island) is on the course schedule for the winter session of the Adult and Community Education program (ACE MV...
Susie Bowman has a cedar situation.  The red cedar trees in the field behind her house are infected, which means that the apple trees in the...
